jeff buckley official
제프 버클리Jeff Buckley
본명 제프리 스콧 버클리 Jeffrey Scott Buckley
출생 1966년 11월 17일 미국 캘리포니아주 오렌지 카운티 애너하임
사망 1997년 5월 29일 (30세) 미국 테네시 주 울프강
국적 미국
가족 팀 버클리, 메리 귀베르
직업 가수
장르 락, 포크, 메탈, 알엔비, 소울
악기 기타
활동 시기 1991년 ~ 1997년
레이블 콜럼비아 레코드사
제프 버클리(Jeff Buckley, 1966년 11월 17일~1997년 5월 29일)는 미국의 싱어송라이터이다.
본명은 제프리 스콧 버클리(Jeffrey Scott Buckley)이며 미국의 포크가수 팀 버클리의 아들이다.
그의 음악은 더 스미스, 레드 제플린과 니나 시몬, 밴 모리슨과 같은 여러 장르의 가수들에서 영향을 받았으며, 라디오헤드, 뮤즈, 콜드플레이등과 같은 밴드들이 자신들의 보컬이나 연주에 있어 그에게 영향을 받았다고 고백했다.
제프 버클리는 1966년 11월 17일 미국 캘리포니아 오렌지 카운티의 애너하임에서 클래식 피아니스트 메리 귀베르와 포크 가수 팀 버클리 사이에서 태어났다.
팀과 메리가 미혼인 상태에서 제프가 임신되었는데, 팀은 음악 생활을 계속하기 위해 제프가 태어나기도 전에 이혼하였다.
이후 메리는 재혼하여 제프는 메리와 새 아버지 사이에서 성장했다.
제프 버클리는 양부 밑에서도 별 다른 차별없이 지냈다고 한다.
재혼 후, 제프는 양부의 성을 따 스코티 무어헤드(Scotty Moorhead)로 개명하였다.
제프 버클리는 친부 팀 버클리와 8살 때 팀의 공연 때 재회했다.
며칠간 그와 함께 보냈는데, 이것이 유일한 둘의 만남이었고, 2주 후 팀은 헤로인 과용으로 28세의 나이로 사망하고 말았다.
팀 사후 제프 버클리는 자신의 원래 이름을 되찾아 버클리라는 성을 되찾았다.
그의 양부는 어렸을 때부터 그에게 레드 제플린, 지미 헨드릭스, 더 후, 핑크 플로이드 등을 들려주어 어릴 때부터 음악에 친숙한 삶을 보냈다.
다섯 살 때부터 그의 할머니의 방안에 있는 통기타를 연주하기 시작했다.
그가 갖게 된 첫 번째 앨범은 레드 제플린의 《Physical Graffiti》였으며 하드록 밴드 키스도 좋아했다.
12살 때 가수가 되기로 결심하여 13살 때 전자기타를 선물 받아 연주하기 시작했다.
그 후 고등학교에서 재즈밴드에서 활동하기도 했다.
이 시기에 그는 프로그레시브 록에도 관심을 가졌으며 러쉬, 제네시스, 예스와 같은 밴드들을 좋아했다.
실제로 제프버클리 사후에 발매된 정규 2집에 제프가 커버한 제네시스의 곡 Back In N.Y.C가 실리기도 했다.
이후 헐리우드의 뮤지션스 인스티튜트에서 음악을 배웠다.
음악 활동
제프 버클리가 학교를 졸업한 후, 라이브 카페에서 공연을 하며 여러 장르의 밴드 내에서 기타를 쳤으며 코러스를 맡기도 했다.
1990년에 뉴욕으로 건너갔으나 음악가로서의 기회를 잡지 못했다.
그러던 중 그는 파키스탄의 종교 음악 장르인 카왈리를 접하게되었고 파키스탄의 잘 알려진 가수 누스랏 파테 알리 칸도 알게되었다.
제프 버클리는 그의 열렬한 팬이 되었으며 시네에서 공연하던 때에도 그의 곡을 자주 불렀다.
같은 시기 제프는 블루스 가수 로버트 존슨과 하드코어 펑크 밴드 배드 브레인즈에도 흥미를 가졌다.
그해 9월 그는 아버지인 팀 버클리의 전 매니저였던 허브 코헨이 그의 곡들의 데모 테이프 녹음을 도와주게되자 다시 로스앤젤레스로 돌아갔다.
데모테입에는 총 4개의 곡이 수록되었는데 〈Eternal Life〉, 〈Unforgiven〉(〈Last Goodbye〉로 곡명이 바뀜), 〈Strawberry Street〉(《Grace Legacy Edition》에 수록된 버전과 다름), 〈radio〉가 수록되었다.
1991년, 뉴욕 세인트 앤 교회에서 팀 버클리의 추도 행사 때 팀의 노래를 부르며 유명세를 타기 시작했다.
뉴욕에서 생활하면서 기타리스트 게리 루카스(Gary Lucas)와 함께 갓즈 앤 몬스터즈(Gods and Monsters)를 결성하여 잠깐 활동하기도 했다.
둘 사이의 이견으로 그룹이 해체된 후, 제프는 솔로로 활동하기 시작했다.
뉴욕 맨하탄의 이스트빌리지에 있던 음악카페 시네(Sin-é)에서 여러 가수들의 곡을 부르면서 유명해지기 시작했고, 당시 관심을 가지고 있던 콜럼비아 레코드사와 계약하고 솔로로 데뷔하였다.
제프는 세션 멤버들과 밴드를 조직하여 라이브와 음반 작업에 돌입했다.
베이스에 믹 그론달, 기타에 마이클 타이, 드럼에 멧 존슨 등이 맡았다.
1994년, 제프는 첫 음반인 《Grace》를 녹음, 발매하였다. 음반을 홍보하기 위해 약 2년간 미국, 오스트레일리아, 유럽, 일본 등에서 공연했다.
1997년, 제프 버클리는 2집 앨범에 들어갈 곡을 녹음하기 위해 테네시 주의 멤피스에서 준비를 시작했다.
밴드 멤버들이 뉴욕에서 오는 사이에 레드 제플린의 〈Whole Lotta Love〉를 부르며 울프 강에서 수영을 하던 중, 인근에서 항해하던 예인선에 휩쓸려 실종되었다.
결국 제프 버클리는 5일 후인 1997년 6월 4일에 강에서 익사한 채로 발견되었다.
사후, 메리는 그의 두 번째 음반 샘플곡과 녹음된 라이브곡을 추려 2집 앨범인 《Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk》를 발매하였다.
사후 멤피스 동물원 수마트라 호랑이 구역에 안장되었으며 1998년 9월 18일, 그 자리에 제프 버클리의 추모판이 마련되었다.
제프 버클리가 멤피스 동물원을 걷는 것을 좋아했으며, 동물들 중 특히 호랑이를 좋아했기 때문이라고 한다.
지미 페이지, 로버트 플랜트 등은 그에게 찬사를 아끼지 않았다.
특히 지미 페이지는 “최근 20년간 최고의 보컬리스트”라는 칭찬까지 하였다.
또한 제프 버클리가 부른 〈Hallelujah〉의 원곡 가수인 레너드 코헨과 그의 노래를 편곡해서 불렀던 U2의 보노 등은 제프 버클리의 노래가 자신들의 노래보다 더 출중하다고도 하였다.
브릿 팝의 선구자인 라디오헤드의 톰 요크는 그에게서 영향받았음을 인정하였고, 뮤즈의 매튜 벨라미는 톰 요크보다 제프 버클리가 자신에게 더 큰 영향을 주었다고 말하였다.
Jeff Buckley
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Birth name Jeffrey Scott Buckley. Also known as Scott "Scotty" Moorhead
Born November 17, 1966 Anaheim, California, United States
Died May 29, 1997 Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Years active 1991–1997
Jeffrey Scott "Jeff" Buckley (November 17, 1966 – May 29, 1997), raised as Scotty Moorhead, was an American singer-songwriter and guitarist.
He was the son of Tim Buckley, also a musician.
After a decade as a session guitarist in Los Angeles, Buckley amassed a following in the early 1990s by playing cover songs at venues in Manhattan's East Village, such as Sin-é, gradually focusing more on his own material.
After rebuffing much interest from record labels and his father's manager Herb Cohen, he signed with Columbia, recruited a band, and recorded what would be his only studio album, Grace.
Over the following two years, the band toured widely to promote the album, including concerts in the U.S., Europe, Japan, and Australia.
In 1996, they stopped touring and made sporadic attempts to record Buckley's second album in New York with Tom Verlaine as producer.
In 1997, Buckley moved to Memphis, Tennessee, to resume work on the album, to be titled My Sweetheart the Drunk, recording many four-track demos while also playing weekly solo shows at a local venue.
While awaiting the arrival of his band from New York, he drowned during a spontaneous evening swim, fully clothed, in the Wolf River when he was caught in the wake of a passing boat.
His body was found on June 4, 1997.
Since his death, there have been many posthumous releases of his material, including a collection of four-track demos and studio recordings for his unfinished second album My Sweetheart the Drunk, expansions of Grace, his Live at Sin-é EP.
Chart success also came posthumously: with his famous cover of Leonard Cohen's song "Hallelujah" he attained his first No. 1 on Billboard's Hot Digital Songs in March 2008 and reached No. 2 in the UK Singles Chart that December.
Buckley and his work remain popular and are regularly featured in "greatest" lists in the music press.
Early life
Born in Anaheim, California, Buckley was the only son of Mary Guibert and Tim Buckley.
His mother was a Panama Canal Zonian of mixed Greek, French, American and Panamanian descent, while his father was the son of an Irish American father and an Italian American mother.
Buckley was raised by his mother and stepfather, Ron Moorhead, in Southern California, and had a half-brother, Corey Moorhead.
Buckley moved many times in and around Orange County while growing up with a single mother, an upbringing Buckley called "rootless trailer trash".
As a child, Buckley was known as Scott "Scotty" Moorhead based on his middle name and his stepfather's surname.
His biological father, Tim Buckley, was a singer-songwriter who released a series of highly acclaimed folk and jazz albums in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Buckley said he only met him once at the age of eight.
After his father died of a drug overdose in 1975, he chose to go by Buckley and his real first name, which he found on his birth certificate.
To members of his family he remained "Scotty".
Buckley was brought up around music.
His mother was a classically trained pianist and cellist.
His stepfather introduced him to Led Zeppelin, Queen, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, and Pink Floyd at an early age.
Buckley grew up singing around the house and in harmony with his mother, later noting that all his family sang.
Buckley began playing guitar at the age of five after discovering an acoustic guitar in his grandmother's closet.
Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti was the first album he ever owned; the hard rock band Kiss was also an early favorite.
At the age of 12, he decided to become a musician, and received his first electric guitar — a black Les Paul — at the age of 13.
He attended Loara High School, and played in the school's jazz band.
During this time, he developed an affinity for progressive rock bands such as Rush, Genesis, and Yes, as well as jazz fusion guitarist Al Di Meola.
After graduating from high school, he moved north to Hollywood to attend the Musicians Institute, completing the one-year course at the age of 19.
Buckley later told Rolling Stone the school was "the biggest waste of time", but noted in an interview with Double Take Magazine that he appreciated studying music theory there, saying, "I was attracted to really interesting harmonies, stuff that I would hear in Ravel, Ellington, Bartók."
Career beginnings
Buckley spent the next six years working in a hotel and playing guitar in various struggling bands playing in styles from jazz, reggae, and roots rock to heavy metal.
He toured with the dancehall reggae artist Shinehead and also played the occasional funk and R&B studio session, collaborating with fledgling producer Michael J. Clouse to form X-Factor Productions.
Throughout this period, Buckley limited his singing to backing vocals.
He moved to New York City in February 1990, but found few opportunities to work as a musician.
He was introduced to Qawwali, the Sufi devotional music of India and Pakistan, and to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, one of its best-known singers.
Buckley was an impassioned fan of Khan, and during what he called his "cafe days," he often covered Khan's songs.
In January 1996, he interviewed Khan for Interview and wrote liner notes for Khan's Supreme Collection, Vol. 1 compilation.
Buckley also became interested in blues musician Robert Johnson and hardcore punk band Bad Brains during this time.
Buckley moved back to Los Angeles in September when his father's former manager, Herb Cohen, offered to help him record his first demo of original songs.
Buckley completed Babylon Dungeon Sessions, a four-song cassette that included the songs "Eternal Life", "Unforgiven" (later titled "Last Goodbye"), "Strawberry Street" (a different version of which appears on the Grace Legacy Edition), and punk screamer "Radio".
Cohen and Buckley hoped to attract attention from the music industry with the demo tape.
Buckley flew back to New York early the following year to make his public singing debut at a tribute concert for his father called "Greetings from Tim Buckley".
The event, produced by show business veteran Hal Willner, was held at St. Ann's Church in Brooklyn on April 26, 1991.
Buckley rejected the idea of the concert as a springboard to his career, instead citing personal reasons regarding his decision to sing at the tribute.
With accompaniment by experimental rock guitarist Gary Lucas, Buckley performed "I Never Asked To Be Your Mountain", a song Tim Buckley wrote about an infant Jeff Buckley and his mother.
Buckley returned to the stage to play "Sefronia – The King's Chain", "Phantasmagoria in Two", and concluded the concert with "Once I Was" performed acoustically with an impromptu a cappella ending, due to a snapped guitar string.
Willner, the show's organizer, later recalled that Buckley's set closer made a strong impression.
Buckley's performance at the concert was counter-intuitive to his desire to distance himself musically from his father.
Buckley later explained his reasoning to Rolling Stone: "It wasn't my work, it wasn't my life. But it bothered me that I hadn't been to his funeral, that I'd never been able to tell him anything. I used that show to pay my last respects."
The concert proved to be his first step into the music industry that had eluded him for years.
On subsequent trips to New York in mid-1991, Buckley began co-writing with Gary Lucas resulting in the songs "Grace" and "Mojo Pin", and by late 1991 he began performing with Lucas' band Gods and Monsters around New York City.
After being offered a development deal as a member of Gods and Monsters at Imago Records, Buckley moved back to New York to the Lower East Side at the end of 1991.
The day after Gods and Monsters officially debuted in March 1992, Buckley decided to leave the band.
Wolf River Harbor, with Memphis, Tennessee in background.
On the evening of May 29, 1997, Buckley's band flew to Memphis intending to join him in his studio there to work on the newly written material.
That same evening, Buckley went swimming in Wolf River Harbor, a slackwater channel of the Mississippi River, while wearing boots, all of his clothing, and singing the chorus of the song "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin.
Buckley had gone swimming there several times before.
A roadie in Buckley's band, Keith Foti, remained on shore.
After moving a radio and guitar out of reach of the wake from a passing tugboat, Foti looked up to see that Buckley had vanished.
Despite a determined rescue effort that night, Buckley remained missing.
On June 4, two locals spotted his body in the Mississippi River near a riverboat, and it was brought to land.
Buckley's autopsy showed no signs of drugs or alcohol in his system and the death was ruled as an accidental drowning.
The following statement was released from the Buckley estate: Jeff Buckley's death was not "mysterious", related to drugs, alcohol, or suicide.
We have a police report, a medical examiner's report, and an eye witness to prove that it was an accidental drowning, and that Mr. Buckley was in a good frame of mind prior to the accident.
According to other reports, Keith Foti was detained for questioning due to the suspicious nature of the death.
He was believed to have drowned Buckley in a fit of jealousy over another woman.
Sources say that both men had sexual relations with the same woman and this might have caused a dispute between the two.
Many devoted fans believe that it was Keith who initiated the argument that later escalated into Buckley's death.
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