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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


hermes official site

사업 종류        명품산업
취급 품목        고급 패션의류, 액세서리
국적             프랑스
본사 소재지      파리 포부르 생토노레 가 24
한국지사 소재지  서울 강남구 신사동 630-26 에르메스코리아
기업 대표        파트릭 토마
설립자           티에리 에르메스
설립 시기        1837년
기업 유형        주식회사

1837년 티에리 에르메스가 말안장과 마구(馬具) 용품을 만들어 팔던 가게에서 출발했다. 
장인 정신과 희소성으로 큰 명성을 얻고 있으며 세계 곳곳에 진출해 있다. 
에르메스의 지분은 창업자의 가족인 에르메스 가문이 71%, 세계 최대 명품업체인 LVMH가 17.1%, 일반인들이 11.9%를 보유하고 있다. 
로고에는 사륜마차 ‘뒤크’와 말, 마부가 그려져 있다.
티에리 에르메스는 1867년 파리 만국박람회에서 1등 상을 수상하며 솜씨를 인정받았고 세계 왕실과 귀족들에게 제품을 공급했다. 
1880년 아들인 샤를 에밀 에르메스가 경영권을 넘겨받아 엘리제 궁 근처에 있는 포부르 생토노레 24번지로 매장을 옮겼다. 
1892년에는 기수들이 마구를 넣던 주머니에서 착안하여 ‘삭 오타쿠루아’를 선보였다. 
1920년대 창업자의 손자인 에밀 모리스(Emile Maurice)가 패션 쪽으로 눈을 돌려 가방, 실크스카프, 벨트, 장신구 등 여행 수요에 맞춘 상품을 내놓았다. 
1923년에는 프랑스에서 처음으로 지퍼를 단 가방 ‘볼리드’가 나왔고 1924년 미국으로 진출했다. 
이후 의류, 가방, 스카프, 넥타이, 향수 등 다양한 제품을 선보이며 성장했다. 
1970년대 경쟁업체와 비교하여 성장이 둔화되다가 1978년 대표 자리에 오른 장 루이 뒤마 에르메스에 의해 부활하게 된다. 
계속해서 성장세를 이어가며 1990년대부터 오늘날까지 꾸준히 매출이 증가했다. 
2009년 매출액은 19억 유로였으며, 2010년 상반기 에르메스의 이익은 지난해 같은 기간보다 55% 늘어났다. 
에르메스는 사업 분야를 더 넓혀 2010년 현재 가죽제품, 맞춤복, 기성복, 스카프, 타이, 향수, 시계, 문구류, 자기류, 은식기류까지 다양하게 갖추고 있다. 
대표적인 상품으로는 1935년 출시된 ‘켈리백’과 1984년에 나온 ‘버킨백’이 있다. 
상품의 85%는 프랑스에서 생산되며, 시계와 남성복만 각각 스위스와 이탈리아에서 만든다.
현 파트릭 토마(Patrick Thomas) 회장은 6대째 가족이 운영하던 에르메스에서 처음으로 에르메스 가문 출신이 아닌 경영인으로 선임되었다. 
수석 디자이너는 크리스토프 르메르(Christophe Lemaire)이다. 
한국 법인은 에르메스코리아로 1997년에 설립되었다. 
2006년 ‘메종 에르메스 도산파크’라는 플래그십 스토어를 열었다. 
메종 에르메스 도산파크는 파리, 뉴욕, 도쿄에 이어 세계에서 네 번째로 서울에 지은 에르메스의 단독건물이다.

출처:세계기업사전, 2011.8.5, 굿모닝미디어  

Industry Apparels, accessories
Founded        1837
Founder(s) Thierry Hermès
Headquarters Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris, France
Area served Global locations
Key people Patrick Thomas (CEO), Mireille Maury (CFO), Éric de Seynes (Chairman of the supervisory board), Pierre-Alexis Dumas (artistic director)
Products High-fashion clothing and accessory manufacture and retail


Designers throughout the company's history have included 
Lola Prusac
Jacques Delahaye 
Catherine de Karolyi 
Monsieur Levaillant 
Nicole de Vesian
Eric Bergère
Claude Brouet 
Tan Giudicelli
Marc Audibet
Mariot Chane 
Martin Margiela 
Jean-Paul Gaultier 
Véronique Nichanian (current men's-wear designer) 
Christophe Lemaire (current women's-wear designer)

Beginnings in the 19th century

Thierry Hermès, founder of Hermès.
The Hermès family, originally Protestant Germans, settled in France in 1828.
In 1837, Thierry Hermès (1801–1878) first established Hermès as a harness workshop on the Grands Boulevards quarter of Paris, dedicated to serving European noblemen.
He created some of the finest wrought harnesses and bridles for the carriage trade.
Monsieur Hermès's earned citations included the first prize in its class in 1855 and the first-class medal in 1867 at the Expositions Universelles in Paris.
Hermès's son, Charles-Émile Hermès (1835–1919), took over management from his father and moved the shop in 1880 to 24 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 
where it remains today and where the new leader introduced saddlery and began retail sales.
With the aid of sons Adolphe and Émile-Maurice Hermès, the company catered to the élite of Europe, North Africa, Russia, Asia, and the Americas. 
In 1900, the firm offered the Haut à Courroies bag, specially designed for riders to carry their saddles with them.

Hermès Frères era
After Charles-Émile Hermès's retirement, sons Adolphe and Émile-Maurice took leadership and renamed the company Hermès Frères. 
Shortly after, Émile-Maurice began furnishing the czar of Russia with saddles.
By 1914, up to 80 saddle craftsmen were employed. 
Subsequently, Émile-Maurice was granted the exclusive rights to use the zipper for leather goods and clothing and, thus, became the first to introduce the device in France.
And, in 1918, the first leather golf jacket with a zipper, made by Hermès, was introduced.
It was followed by Hermès's first leather garment, a zippered golfing jacket for the Prince of Wales.
Named after its exclusive use of the zipper, the mechanism was called the fermeture Hermès (the Hermès fastener).
Throughout the 1920s when he was the sole head of the firm, Émile-Maurice added an accessory collection.
And he groomed his three sons-in-law (Robert Dumas, Jean-René Guerrand and Francis Puech) as business partners.
In 1922, the first leather handbags were introduced after Émile-Maurice's wife complained of not finding a suitable one to her liking. 
He created a handbag collection himself.
In 1924, Hermès established a presence in the United States and opened two shops in French resorts. 
In 1929, the first women's couture apparel collection was previewed in Paris.
And, during the 1930s, Hermès produced some of its most recognized original goods.
In 1935, the leather Sac à dépêches (later renamed the "Kelly bag" after Grace Kelly) was introduced, and, in 1937, the Hermès carrés (scarves) were introduced.
Following the introduction of scarves, the accessory became integrated into French culture. 
In 1938, the Chaîne d'ancre bracelet and the riding jacket and outfit joined the classic collection. 
By this point, the company's designers began to draw inspirations from paintings, books, and objets d'art.
The 1930s also witnessed Hermès's entrance into the United States market by offering its products in a Neiman Marcus department store in New York; however, it later withdrew.
In 1949, the same year as the launch of the Hermès silk tie, the first perfume, Eau d'Hermès, was produced.
Starting in the mid-1930s, Hermès employed Swiss watchmaker Universal Genève as the brand's first and exclusive designer of timepieces, 
producing a line of men's wrist chronographs(manufactured in 18K gold or stainless steel) and women's art deco cuff watches (in 18K gold, steel or platinum). 
Both models contained dials signed either as "Hermès" or "Hermès Universal Genève", while the watch movements were signed "Universal Genève S.A.". 
The Hermès/Universal partnership would last until the 1950s.
In a time during his management, Émile-Maurice summarized the Hermès philosophy as "Leather, sport, and a tradition of refined elegance."

Post-Émile-Maurice Hermès
Robert Dumas-Hermès (1898–1978), who succeeded Émile-Maurice after his death in 1951, closely collaborated with brother-in-law Jean-René Guerrand.
Dumas became the first man not directly descended from Hermès père to lead the company because his connection to the family was only through marriage. 
Thus, he incorporated the Hermès last name into his own, Dumas-Hermès.
The company also acquired its duc-carriage-with-horse logo and signature orange boxes in the early 1950s.
Dumas introduced original handbags, jewelry, and accessories and was particularly interested in design possibilities with the silk scarves.
Ironically, during the mid-20th century, scarf production diminished.
World Tempus, a Web portal dedicated to watchmaking, 
states: "Brought to life by the magic wand of Annie Beaumel, the windows of the store on Faubourg Saint-Honoré became a theatre of enchantment and a Parisian meeting-place for international celebrities."
In 1956, a photo of Grace Kelly, who had become the new Princess of Monaco, was shown carrying the Sac à dépêches bag in a photography in Life. 
Purportedly, she held it in front of herself to cover up her pregnancy. 
Thus, the public began calling it the "Kelly" bag. 
The name was subsequently adopted by Hermès, and the bag became hugely popular.
The perfume business became a subsidiary in 1961, concurrently with the introduction of the Calèche scent, named after a hooded four-wheeled horse carriage, known since the 18th century – the Company's logo since fifties. 
(In 2004, Jean-Claude Ellena became the in-house perfumer or "nose" and created the successful Hermessence line of fragrances as well as others.)

The rise and fall and rise of Hermès
Despite the company's apparent success in the 1970s, exemplified by multiple shops being established worldwide, Hermès began to fall, compared to competitors. 
Some industry observers have assigned the cause to Hermès's insistence on the exclusive use of natural materials for its products, unlike other companies that were calling on new man-made materials. 
During a two-week lapse in orders, the Hermès workrooms were silent.
Jean-Louis Dumas, the son of Robert Dumas-Hermès, became chairman in 1978 and had the firm concentrate on silk and leather goods and ready-to-wear, adding new product groups to those made with its traditional techniques. 
Unlike his father, Jean-Louis was related to the Hermès maternally. 
Travelling extensively and marrying Rena Greforiadès, he entered the buyer-training program at Bloomingdale's, the New York department store. 
Having joined the family firm in 1964, he was instrumental in turning around its downhill progression.
Dumas brought in designers Eric Bergére and Bernard Sanz to revamp the apparel collection and, in collaboration, added unusual entries. 
They included the python motorcycle jackets and ostrich-skin jeans, which were dubbed as "a snazzier version of what Hermès has been all along." 
(Annual sales in 1978, when Jean-Louis became head of the firm, were reported at US$50 million. By 1990, annual sales were reported at US$460 million, mainly due to Dumas's strategy.) 
In 1979, Jean-Louis launched an advertising campaign featuring a young, denim-clad woman wearing an Hermès scarf. 
The purpose was to introduce the Hermès brand to a new set of consumers. 
As one fashion-sector observer noted, "Much of what bears the still-discreet Hermès label changed from the object of an old person's nostalgia to the subject of young peoples' dreams."
However, Dumas's change-of-image gesture created outrage both within and outside of the firm.
Also in the 1970s, the watch subsidiary, La Montre Hermès, was established in Bienne, Switzerland. 
Then, throughout the 1980s, Dumas strengthened the company's hold on its suppliers, resulting in Hermès's gaining great stakes in prominent French glassware, silverware acquiring venerable tableware manufacturers such as Puiforcat, St. Louis, and Périgord.

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