어린나이에도 불구하고 과감한 (선정적은 아니고..)스타일링과 화장.(아마.. 혼자 한듯..지금은 훌륭해요!)으로 주목을 받았습니다.
수지버블과는 다른, 하이앤드 스타일링이 아닌 풍부한 색감과(수지버블이 부족하단 말은 절대 아닙니다.) 빈티지스러움을 조화, 걸리쉬함과 비비드의 결합을 주로 선보입니다.
1996년생으로 많지 않은 나이이지만 패션계의 주목을 한눈에 받고 있는 소녀 tavi gevinson입니다.
tavi gevinson페이지
Where are you from? Chicago, IL.
Why did you start your blog? I'd been reading a number for a while, wanted to be part of the community where I could discuss a topic my friends weren't interested in, and to have a creative outlet to force myself out of dressing boringly.
When did you start it? March of 2008.
Who takes your photos? I do, using the self-timer on my Canon Powershot SD1300 IS and a tripod my dad used when he was in college and which miraculously survived the 70's. For information on the photos that aren't mine, see "contact & photos" in my sidebar to your right. No, your other right.
Do you actually wear this stuff out and to school or just for blog pictures? I take pictures of whatever I'm already wearing, and don't dress up specifically for the blog unless I'm doing a fun project of some sort (in which case, I will say it's for the blog).
Where do you get your clothes? Thrift stores -- usually the Salvation Army -- and when something is really marked down I let myself splurge at nicer stores like Barneys. Blogging also has its perks, and I will be honest and say so when something was sent to me for free by the brand.
What are your favorite fashion magazines? RUSSH, Lula, i-D, Pop, Dazed & Confused, Vogues Nippon and Italia, and FRUiTS.
Who are your favorite designers? Rei Kawakubo, Vivienne Westwood, Jil Sander, Alexander McQueen, Miuccia Prada, the Mulleavy sisters, Ed Meadham and Ben Kirchhoff, Yohji Yamamoto, and Hussein Chalayan.
Who are your favorite fashion photographers? Juergen Teller, Nick Knight, Tim Walker, Mark Borthwick, Inez & Vinoodh, and Alex Prager.
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